Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hari-hari terakhir di TN dilalui dengan ya begitulah.. Hahaha. Setelah diumumkan sama Pak Djuwari, kepala sekolah kami bahwa Atmosphere, Angkatan 18 SMA Taruna Nusantara lulus 100%, euforia itu segera berakhir, mengingat kelanjutan studi. Gue sendiri... Got accepted both in IUP Law UGM and Accounting Undip, but still waiting for May 15th. Tiba2 nyokap bilang, kalo UInya dapet ambil ya, Ka! Preet! Soal SIMAK susah bangetttt gue ngga bisa ngerjain keliatannya -__-
Kegiatan tinggal latihan Prasetya Alumni, ke kantin ya begitulah.. Gue benci, gue ngga suka, gue ngga cocok hidup di sekolah ini, yes I said that words for almost 3 years, but in the end, I hate to tell you this, but I start to miss my highschool life... The activities, the class, the mates, the... Teachers *LOL

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